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Discover 15% off our New Elegant Eyeliner

Renegade Beauty Consultations 


Complimentary Online Consultations with our Professional Beauty Ambassadors

Our Renegade Beauty Ambassadors bring deep product knowledge, wise expertise, and charming verve to the consultation process. If you have ever contacted us with a question, you have probably already had the pleasure of speaking with an experienced ambassador. 

Meet Our Renegade Beauty Ambassadors

Joy is Living Libations’ Lead Beauty Educator, and for twelve years she has offered in-depth Libations product knowledge and exceptional client education. Her broad background in wellness and beauty combined with her innate compassion endows Joy with a special talent for creating holistic and thoroughly customized consultation experiences.

Tiina has six years of senior consultation experience at our Venice Beach Beauty Boutique. Over the years, Tiina has created a well rounded consultation process to assess your every need.  

All consultations are complimentary and are offered online. Each session may be scheduled for 15 or 30 minutes, and you can schedule additional consultations as often as you need or desire. In your session, our consultants will answer any questions you may have on Living Libations creations and offer personalized recommendations for you and your family. 

Schedule your complimentary consultation today.