All Spice Essential Oil
All Spice Essential Oil

All Spice Essential Oil

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Spicy and sweet, this delectable essence is unique! Ample All Spice Essential Oil offers is a supercritical extract for full aromatic potency. This culinary king has traditionally been used as a natural flavor and muscle-melting massage oil. All Spice emits an aromatic combination of clove, nutmeg, and cinnamon all rolled into one plant! A happy hearth has All Spice wafting with a hint of citrus from the diffuser in winter months. Gently warm the senses with a little All Spice in a massage oil.

Botanical Name: Pimenta officinalis
Family Name: Myrtaceae
Extraction Method: C02
Part of Plant Distilled: Dried, unripe berries
Country of Origin: Guatemala
Cultivation Method: Organic
Composition: 100% Pimenta officinalis
Consistency: Medium thin viscosity
Scent Description: An unexpected bear hug of warm spice, fresh nutmeg, and pungent pepper.
Blends well with: Black Pepper, Ginger, Lavender, Vetiver, Cardamom, Mastic, Cinnamon, Clove, Petitgrain, Ylang, Patchouli, Coriander, Geranium, and all Citrus oils.
Uses: Culinary. Warming and melting massage oil. Scent stimulation. Dilute well before using as a little goes a long way. Avoid using on open skin or on children and babies.

Constituents: Eugenol (is also found in clove and holy basil), methyl eugenol, caryophyllene, myrcene, and 1,8 cineole.

When All Spice berries were found by Christopher Columbus, he mistakenly thought he had stumbled upon a new species of pepper. Oh! Columbus – first mistaking Central America for Asia, then mistaking All Spice for pepper. Clearly, whoever first happened upon this plant, unveiled one of the most delectable essential oils whose fragrance is only rivaled by its warming, relaxing molecules.

All Spice’s key constituents warms up the taste buds and hunger juices as a tasty breath freshener (dilute before using). Gently warm the senses with a little All Spice in a massage oil that also melts muscles and cheers the belly.

"He who controls the spice controls the universe."
~ Frank Herbert, Dune

"Spicewood. This is sometimes known as wild all spice, and in Canada goes by the name "Spice Bush". Its oil is used in perfumes, especially the lavender type, to which it gives a jaunty spicy note."
~ Jill Jesse, Perfume Album